Arizona Spring Draw 2025

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The Arizona Spring Draw is used to allocate tags for all permit-only spring hunting opportunities in the state. It includes hunting opportunities for bison, black bear, turkey, javelina, and Raptor (falconry). In this article we’ll discuss the draw process, requirements and cost, and dates to help you prepare for the application. You can read about additional Arizona hunting opportunities in our overview article.

When is the Arizona Spring Hunts Draw?

The draw normally opens in early September and closes in early October. Dates for the 2024 Arizona Spring Hunts Draw are below, which are for the 2025 hunt season. You can add this draw and others to you OnPoint calendar to never miss an application.

Online Application OpensSeptember 9th, 2024
Deadline to ApplyOctober 1st, 2024, 11:59pm AZ Time

What species are available in the Spring Hunts Draw?

  • Black Bear (spring season)
  • Bison (spring season)
  • Turkey (spring season)
  • Javelina (spring season)
  • Falconry (annual)

What is required to apply for the Arizona Spring Draw?

Hunters must possess a valid hunting license in order to apply for the draw. The license must be valid on the the draw deadline date. Purchasing an annual license will allow applicants to apply for the other Arizona draws with little incremental cost.

What does it cost to apply in the draw?

The application cost varies depending on the quantity and type of species applied for. In addition to purchasing a hunting license, applicants must pay an application fee for each species applied for. This fee is the same cost as the bonus point fee for each species, and unsuccessful applicants will receive a bonus point for each species applied for. Successful applicants will be charged the full price of the tag. All fees are listed in the table below.

ItemResident PriceNon-Resident Price
Combo Hunt & Fish License$57.00$160.00
Application Fee (per species)$13.00$15.00
Bonus Point (per species)$13.00$15.00
ItemResident PriceNon-Resident Price
Elk Tag$135.00$650.00
Deer Tag$45.00$300.00
Pronghorn Tag$90.00$550.00
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Tag$300.00$1,800.00
Desert Bighorn Sheep Tag$300.00$1,800.00
Turkey Tag$25.00$90.00
Bear Tag$25.00$150.00
Javelina Tag$25.00$100.00
Bison – Bull/Any Tag$1,100.00$5,400.00
Bison – Cow/Yearling Tag$650.00$3,250.00
Bison — Yearling only Tag$350.00$1,750.00
Raptor Tag$13.00$190.00
Sandhill Crane (3 tags)$30.00$30.00

How does the draw process and points system work?

Arizona has a hybrid draw process and point system, although they refer to the system as a Bonus point system. The draw awards tags in three phases:

  1. Phase 1 (20% of tags, 1st & 2nd choice, preference style) – In this phase tags are awarded in order of points held, then decreasing in points quantity until the 20% cap is reached. A random number is generated and assigned to each application which serves to order applications within applicants with the same points quantity. Only 1st and 2nd choices are considered. This portion of the draw behaves like a preference point system.
  2. Phase 2 (1st and 2nd choice, bonus style) – In this phase, the system behaves as a bonus system. Applicants are assigned a number for their application, and receive one additional number for each point held. Their application is then assigned the lowest (best) number from their group. Tags are then allocated starting with the lowest number of all applicants. Only 1st and 2nd choices are considered at this stage. All remaining tags can be allocated at this stage if there are sufficient applications submitted.
  3. Phase 3 (3rd-5th choice, bonus style) – If any tags remain, they will be allocated at this stage. It behaves the same as phase 2 (bonus style).

Arizona Hunting FAQ

How to I get a loyalty bonus point in Arizona?2024-01-02T15:42:32+00:00

In Arizona’s hunting draws, participants are eligible to accumulate an Arizona Loyalty Bonus Point for each species included in the draws. These points are distinct to each species and particular draw. An individual gains these points by consistently submitting a valid application for a hunt permit-tag or a bonus point for a specific species every year over a continuous five-year span. Once a loyalty bonus point is earned, it is maintained by the applicant as long as they continue to apply at least annually for that species. Importantly, even after a tag is drawn and the standard points are reset, the loyalty bonus point remains with the hunter.

How do I get a hunters education bonus point in Arizona?2024-01-02T15:44:16+00:00

Arizona offers a permanent Hunters Education bonus point to hunters who have completed the requirements to obtain it. By completing the requirements, detailed below, the hunter gets an additional point added to each entry in the draw, for any species or draw they apply for. If successful in a draw, the hunter will have 1 point already after point clearing.

There are two methods to obtain the Arizona Hunters Education Bonus Point.

  • Take a Hunters Education Course sanctioned by Arizona, including the onsite field day for the course. While the coursework can usually be performed online, out of state hunters must travel to the state to perform the field day.
  • Take the new Ethically Hunting Arizona online course and complete the tests successfully. This course allows the hunter to gain the permanent bonus point. However, it is not a hunters education course, so the hunter must already possess a valid hunters education to be eligible to hunt. This course costs $300 for nonresidents.

Only one permanent hunters ed bonus point can be acquired, even if both methods have been completed.

How does the Arizona Draw Process work for Big Game Hunts?2023-12-29T21:49:24+00:00

The Arizona draw process for big game hunts is a multi-phase system that offers hunters a fair chance to secure permits for various species like deer, antelope, elk, turkey, javelina, and bear. Here’s a breakdown of how the Arizona big game draw works:

Three Phases of the Drawing

The draw consists of three passes or rounds – the bonus point pass, the first-second choice pass, and the third-fourth-fifth choice pass. Each application goes through a random number generator program before each pass, which are reset and rerun after each pass.

Random Number Generation

For every application, a random number is generated, and additional random numbers are added for each group bonus point, including Hunter Education and Loyalty bonus points. The lowest random number for an application is used in the drawing. New random numbers are generated for each pass.

Group Bonus Points

Group bonus points come into play when 2 to 4 applicants apply on a single hunt application. These points are calculated by adding the general bonus points, loyalty bonus point, and hunter education bonus point for each applicant and dividing the total by the number of applicants. The average number of bonus points in the group is used in the draw.

Checking for Permit Availability

When an application is reviewed, the system checks for available permits in the chosen hunt. There must be enough permits for all applicants on the application, including non-resident caps. If not, the application is passed, and the next one is reviewed.

The Drawing Phases

First Pass (Bonus Point Pass)

In this pass, up to 20% of authorized hunt permit-tags are issued for various species. Applications are first sorted based bonus points, starting with maximum bonus and proceeding with fewer points after. Within each point grouping, e.g. holders with max points, applications are then sorted by the random number generated prior to the round, with lowest number being prioritized first. Applications from the prior ordering are then reviewed in order, and if permits are available, they are issued. In this round, only first and second choices are considered. The process continues with lower bonus point categories until the allocated permits are issued or all applications with bonus points are reviewed. Nonresidents are limited to 10% of total tags across all rounds. It is possible that this 10% limit is reach in the first pass, which means tags for that unit are no longer available to nonresidents, in any round. Applications with zero bonus points are not eligible in this round. Functionally, this proceeds as a preference based system.

Second Pass (First-Second Choice Pass)

Applications that didn’t succeed in the bonus point pass receive a new random number for the second pass round. This pass of the draw proceeds similar to a standard bonus point system, where each bonus point held improves the odds of receiving a low number in the number generation process. Applications are then reviewed in order of lowest number. For each application, if the first choice hunt is available, it is awarded. If it is not, the second choice is reviewed and awarded if available. If not, the system continues on to the next application. If the nonresident cap for a unit has been meet prior to a nonresident application, the unit will no longer be available to the applicant.

Third Pass (Third-Fourth-Fifth Choice Pass)

For applications unsuccessful in the first two passes, new random numbers are generated, and the system reviews applications in the same method as the prior pass, but considering third, fourth, and fifth hunt choices.

Awarding Bonus Points

After the third pass, the drawing concludes, and applicants who did not receive permits are awarded an additional bonus point for each species they applied for. These points are reset to zero for species where they received permits.

Are trail cameras legal in Arizona?2023-04-18T01:05:39+00:00

As of Jan. 1, 2022 trail cameras are no longer legal for use in hunting. Specifically, they are prohibited “for the purposes of taking or locating or aiding in the take of wildlife,” according to new rule R12-4-303. A. 5.

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